Thanks to Justin Dearing (b|t), OrcaMDF is now available on NuGet!
OrcaMDF being on NuGet means the bar just got lowered even more if you want to try it out. Let me show you how easy it is to read the Adventureworks 2008 R2 Database using OrcaMDF:
To begin, let’s create a vanilla .NET Console Application:
Once the solution has been made, right click References and go to Manage NuGet Packages:
Once the dialog opens, simply search for OrcaMDF and click the Install button for the OrcaMDF.Core package:
When done, you should now see a small green checkmark next to the OrcaMDF.Core package:
At this point the OrcaMDF.Core assembly will be available and all you have to do is start using it. For example you could print out all of the products along with their prices by modifying the Program.cs file like so (you’ll have to alter the path to AdventureWorks2008R2_Data.mdf file so it points to a local copy (which must not be in use by SQL Server) on your machine):
using System;
using OrcaMDF.Core.Engine;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main()
using (var db = new Database(@"C:\AdventureWorks2008R2_Data.mdf"))
var scanner = new DataScanner(db);
foreach (var row in scanner.ScanTable("Product"))
Console.WriteLine("Price: " + row.Field<double>("ListPrice"));
And then just running the solution:
And there you have it, in just a few quick short steps you’ve now fetched OrcaMDF and read the Products table, from the standard AdventureWorks 2008 R2 database, without even touching SQL Server.
With OrcaMDF now being available on NuGet as well as with a simple GUI, it really doesn’t get any simpler to take it for a spin :)